
Coalition Budget

Appeasement is a dirty word, especially in the context of Indian politics. It becomes dirtier when it is applied to the country’s economic management. There is no other way to term the first Budget of the NDA government placed by Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman who...


Biden Bids Adieu

Apparently wilting under tremendous pressure from within his party, US President Joe Biden has finally announced he would not be in the presidential race this November and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris to succeed him. Democrats heaved a sigh of relief that Biden has opted...

The Winner Is…Puja

I ndians, in general, are conspicuous in not sharing credit where it is due. In our mythology too, the credit for vanquishing Ravana goes to Lord Rama while Ravana’s brother has been portrayed as a betrayer. It is this brother’s actions which fulfilled the purpose...

Aakar Patel

Perils of Ideology

Weakened leaders of ideological parties are always vulnerable to those willing to be more extreme than them. This is something to consider when understanding what is going on in Uttar Pradesh and it will serve as an example of what we can expect in the...

UPSC’s Credibility

An IAS success story this may not be. Pooja Khedkar, a 2023 IAS probationary officer, has found herself in hot water. She’s under scrutiny for allegedly using a fake visual impairment certificate to secure her position in the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) through the UPSC...

Pic- AP

Mission Impossible

The Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, a self-styled advocate of “illiberal democracy,” is now on a difficult and dangerous mission. He is trying to make the impossible possible by trying to reach out to Russian President Vladimir Putin, China’s President Xi Jinping and Far-Right forces...

Nepal Roulette

When a country is forced to get 14 governments in the span of 16 years, it shows it has a poor, dysfunctional democracy in which political parties seem to be interested more in feathering their own nests than working for the well-being of the people...

Donald Trump Assassination

Trump Faces Gun

It is a travesty of democracy in the US that a gunman changes the electoral, political discourse by a heinous attempt on the life of Donald Trump, former President and emerging candidate for the presidential race this November. The dastardly act could take place because...

Anonymous Funding

Freedom of Religion

Do Indians have freedom of religion? Meaning do they have right to invite others into their faith and the right to easily leave their faith? The Constitution says yes, but the laws say no. India is an unusual nation where propagation is both a fundamental...

NSA Reshuffle

The National Security Council Secretariat has undergone several notable changes recently, while also maintaining some continuity. Previously Secretary (West) in the External Affairs Ministry, Pavan Kapoor has been appointed Deputy National Security Adviser (NSA). This move is part of a series of appointments that include...


Mettle Meet 2024
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