Archaeological site discovered in Khurda

Bhubaneswar: The latest archaeological findings and site found at Asuradhipa Balunkeswar temple in Makundprasad block of the district could unravel a new facet of the history of Khurda town.
Prof Anam Behera of PG department of Ancient Indian History Culture and Archaeology, Utkal University, claims that the site may contain lots of Chalcolithic and Neolithic evidences.
Informing about the exploration, Behera said, “In the last week of May, a water channel close to the site was being dug for better clearance of water. Recently, I along with Biswajit Behera and Kaibalya Charan Pati, Ph.D research scholars, found antiquities like potteries shred (red, black and grey ware), knobbed ware and a fossilised antler from some portion of the exposed site which could be from chalcolitihc period.”
The findings are interesting which also include microlithtic tools. Almost similar objects were found from Dianparbati, Asurahuda, Podaput at Keranga.
The site is hardly 15 to 12 km from the rock art site discovered by ASI in Damapada region of Banki, said Behera.

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