Be careful! Tight trousers and belts can damage reproductive function

In USA, people celebrate ‘No Pants Day’ in the month of May. Well, this day is not only for fun, it gives a good reason to lead a healthy lifestyle.

Trousers and a strong belt have been considered the symbol of masculinity for ages. Doctors say, however, that tight clothes limit the mobility of hip joints. Furthermore, if a person prefers jeans, he or she might suffer from the stretching of joint capsules.

Tight pants make a person develop a peculiar step, which negatively affects the spine. Wearing fashionable low waist jeans might result in compression of nerves, which leads to a burning and tingling feeling in the legs.

A lot of vital internal organs are placed in the abdominal cavity. If the belt is too tight on the waist, it slows down the lymph flow from the pelvis. Such an obstacle complicates the work of the immune system too. To crown it all, internal abdominal organs suffer from insufficient blood supply.

Medics do not recommend men to wear tight pants and underwear: they overheat testicles, which undermines the sperm-forming process and reduces the quality of semen. Tight leg-wear restricts the access of air to women’s genitals, producing increased humidity and heat and increases the risk of infectious diseases.

Scotchmen in kilts, Javanese men in sarongs, Amazon Indians in reed skirts – these are the only examples, in which men lead healthy lives with no pants on. While we cannot leave wearing pants, all these drawbacks can be minimized with active physical exercises, movements and breathing.

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