Bizarre! Here women shave their heads to get good husbands

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There are many places on Earth that are yet to be discovered.

We live in a very interesting world with a varied range of customs and traditions. Some are not just unique but can also seem weird to our human minds.

Today we are going to tell you about a place which is very different and unique.

Girls of Borana tribe get a large part of their head shaved because they believe that by doing this they will get good husbands. Split between Kenya, Ethiopia and Somalia, the 500,000-strong Borana tribe might be numerous but their fascinating customs and religious beliefs are entirely unique

While men dominate village life and are in charge of the herds, women play a vital role and are in sole charge of building Borana homes. Their beauty routine is an unusual one and involves anointing their locks with ghee (clarified butter) to keep their hair smooth and shiny.

Girls are given the most striking hairdos and wear the crown of their heads shaved until they marry, at which point the hair is allowed to grow back while the rest is plaited into elaborate designs.

If women of this tribe take photos, then they have to face punishment. It is considered illegal to take photos here. It is believed that if girls take pictures, then they may suffer from blood deficiency. They believe that when you take their photo, you remove their blood and steal their shadow.

Often women here are forced to share a husband. Women are also in sole charge of raising their daughters and usually insist that they become excellent housewives.

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