Do you have the habit of reheating food? Be careful!

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In today’s busy lives we often fall shortage of time. Whether it is the choice of dress for the next day or preparing lunch dinner, we are always looking to increase our convenient options. One of the most common habits these days is to cook more and store it in the fridge to eat later.

It can be said that most people have become used to storing food and reheating it while eating. But what happens when you are told that reheating a particular food actually makes it contaminated? There are some foods that should never be reheated.

Chicken: Never heat a dish of chicken again. Like eggs, chicken is rich in protein. When you eat reheated chicken, you do not get any nutrition. Instead, it can cause digestive problems such as bloating, gastric etc.

Potatoes: Like rice one of the most common vegetables used in Indian homes is potatoes should be eaten fresh. When you reheat a pre-cooked potato, you actually ruin the nutrition of the vegetable and make it poisonous. Eating reheated potatoes can cause nausea and even food poisoning.

Rice: Rice is common a staple food for everyone and can be easily found in every household. Raw rice have spores which still survive after cooking? These bacteria can cause major diseases and hence it is always recommended to never reheat the rice. Food of hot rice has again been linked to diarrhea and vomiting.

Mushroom: Mushroom is for the vegetarian and health-loving people. But, do you know that reheating pre-cooked mushrooms can kill the nutrition of the vegetable and make it contaminated. According to experts, reheating and using mushrooms again can cause serious digestive problems.

Egg: We are all aware of the benefits of eggs. It is known as a treasure trove of proteins. However, this main food in the morning can become contaminated when you heat it again. Whether it is fried eggs or boiled eggs, never heat it again!

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