Drinking water still a pipe dream 

Drinking water still a pipe dream 

Risida: Nearly 5,000 people are staying in the Risida area of Karlamunda block in Kalahandi district which happens to be a prime business centre comprising 10 wards. Risida is a cluster of the three revenue villages of Kumbharpada, Kandhapada and Salandiamunda.

An overhead tank was constructed and provisions were made to supply water directly from the Tel River around seven years back to meet the drinking water requirements of the area.

This drinking water project was constructed using the Local Area Development (LAD) funds of the then Member of Parliament, for supplying water to Risida and Teresingha. But now drinking water is being supplied to only five of the 10 wards as pipelines have not been laid, and as supply pipes are breaking up.

Salandiamunda requires more water and is badly suffering due to shortage of drinking water. As there is a layer of rocks beneath the ground here, digging bore-wells for underground water is difficult here.

There is also no regular drinking water supply through tankers in this area by the panchayat. People are demanding a solution to the water crisis.




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