Follow these home remedies to avoid heatstroke

Follow these home remedies to avoid heatstroke

With summer comes the scorching sun and it makes us scamper for shades. Summer is usually the most uncomfortable time of the year with sweat, dirt, humidity and rising temperatures. It is that time of the season when one becomes prone to heat stroke. This is what you should do to avoid getting struck by the heat once you step out of home.

To avoid the heat, you should adopt some home remedies and eat them on a regular basis.

Amla (Indian gooseberry)

Boil the gooseberry and smash it. Then add sugar and honey to the amla and mix it. Have the mixture 5-6 times a day. It prevents diarrhea, vomitting and fever caused by the heat of summer.

Drink made of sattu

Sattu drink is a fibre-rich diet. In summer, a glass of sattu mixed with either milk or water keeps the body cool.


Watermelons are full of nutrients and liquid pulp. So it is must product in everybody’s summer diet. Watermelon contains ‘Lycopene’, which protects the skin from the sun’s ultra violet rays.

Lemon juice

There is nothing more pleasing than a glass of cold lemon juice to stay fresh in summer. To keep yourself hydrated, keep fresh lemon juice in your fridge. Mint leaves can also be used to add flavor to it. Lemon has vitamin C which builds up immunity.


Tomatoes are very beneficial for health. Tomatoes are full of vitamin C and have high water content. It hydrates the body and increases blood circulation.


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