Peel of this vegetable will return your black hair

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White hair is a common problem nowadays. To avoid this, people often use chemical-colored dyes. The result of which is hair loss and dryness. The hair becomes lifeless and their old color also ends.

If something similar is your problem, try using potato peel once. This is a natural way to black your hair. Potato peels are used to darken hair. This recipe has been tried for many years. The starch present in the potato peel acts as a natural color.

The vitamins A, B and C present in the hair masks of the potato peel do not allow dandruff in the hair by removing oil from the scalp. Adding to it, due to presence of other minerals like iron, zinc, potassium and calcium hair fall is also reduced.

Fellow this method:

Remove the skin of the potato and boil in a cup of cold water. When it boils completely, cook it on low heat for 5 to 10 minutes. Then keep it to cool down. Fill the water in a jar and keep it. To get rid of the pungent smell coming from the water of this potato, you can also add a few drops of lavender oil to it.


If this mixture is applied on clean and wet hair, then it gives better results. Apply this water of potato peel on your scalp slowly with 5 minutes of massaging and leave it for a while. Leave this potato water in your hair like this for 30 minutes. Then wash it with cold water.


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