People are served toilet water at this restaurant

People are served toilet water at this restaurant

If you were asked to go to a restaurant where toilet water was served for drinking, then you would obviously say no. But you will be surprised to know that such a restaurant exists in the world, where customers are given ‘toilet water’ to drink.

The name of this restaurant is Gust’eaux restaurant in Kuurne, Belgium.

Sinks and toilet water are recycled for customers using a complex, five-step purification system. The water purifier installed by the restaurant also makes the drain water completely clean and makes it drinkable. The most remarkable thing is that the system adds minerals to the water before it is served to clients.

According to media reports, an employee working at the restaurant said that the drain, sink or toilet water is first cleaned in a plant fertilizer, then rain water is added to it and the rest is passed through a series of purification processes that make it drinkable.

You will be surprised to know that this recycled water is also used in making ice cube, beer and coffee.


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