Schools where prostitution is taught

While school is for studying and learning, many schools in France offer professional course in prostitution which ‘guarantees a job offer on graduation.

Students here are taught the history of the world’s oldest profession, how to use erotic toys and the most popular positions contained within the Kama Sutra.

Prostitution is a career that many people live off from day to day, whether they are single or have a partner. People of all age group from 19 to 45, have signed up to the diploma – which takes up two hours each day.

And, once they graduate, they receive their first job offer – to become a teacher in the ‘school’ where they can help in practical classes. What they learn in the series of theory and practical classes will enable them to ‘earn a lot of money, very easily and quickly.

Sex is a multibillion-pound industry in European countries mostly France and Spain, with colourfully lit brothels staffed mainly by poor immigrant women from Latin America, Africa and Eastern Europe lining highways throughout the country.



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