This is why you should always watch films in theatres

Maharashtra govt to finally reopen cinemas theatres from Oct 22

It has become increasingly easier and easier for fans to just download movies on the internet and watch them for free.

Nowadays, instead of watching it in theatres, they prefer to stay indoors and avoid crowded places.

But movies are made for the big screen. There are certain aspects to particular films that can be best experienced in theatres.

Here are some reasons why you should always watch films in theatres:

Size and sound

The bigger the screen is the more you get entertained. No matter how good your screen is, no matter its resolution, watching a movie in a theatre is a far more immersive experience. The sound systems add thrill to the film and it plays a major role in the overall experience. Theatres are built with the acoustics and they’ve got more speakers, usually ones with wider dynamic ranges, to deliver the sound with that special effect.


Watching a film in the comforts of your home can subject you to a lot of distractions like guests coming over, family members talking loudly, craving for food that can make you run to the fridge more than you would like, etc. Watching films in theatres offers you single-minded focus so you enjoy the film without being interrupted.

Group experience

The group experience is another reason to watch a film in a theatre. When friends watch films together, memories are created and chit-chatting during the movie is what you will never get anywhere.

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