Want instant relief from headache? Know these easy home remedies


Pic Credit: everydayhealth.com

Headache nowadays is a universal painful sensation. At times it disappears after a short time, while in other people this condition persists. However, headache is not a disease. This is just a symptom and there can be different reasons behind it.

Common causes of headaches include insomnia, high blood pressure, poor vision, sinus, anemia, and lack of sleep, lack of proper rest, fatigue and poor lifestyle. If the headache persists, then it may be due to an underlying health condition and one should visit the doctor immediately so that serious health issues can be prevented.

There are some natural home remedies that can be done for headaches due to common causes.

Below are a few easy home remedies for headache:

Black pepper – Grind 10-12 black peppercorns and mix 10-12 rice grains with water to make a paste. After that apply it on the affected area of ​​the head for 15-20 minutes. This will cool the forehead and reduce the head pain.

Eat right – Spinach is rich in folic acid and vitamin B. Its use helps in relieving migraine. Spinach and broccoli should be included in the diet once in a while.

Eating fruits: Consumption of banana, papaya, apple and pungent fruit helps in calming the nerve circuits of the brain and gives relief from pain. Many other fruits also have the ability to reduce head pain. Include fruits in your diet for a healthy living lifestyle.

Happy Living: Lifestyle habits play an important role in determining your health. Some changes should be made to stop the headache. Get at least 7-8 hours of sleep every night. Sleep is an important aspect in today’s life. Never compromise on your sleep schedule.

Fresh up before sleep: Wash face before going to bed. Stay away from gadgets for at least an hour before going to bed for a restful sleep. Do not keep laptop or mobile near the head at night.

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