Who is more intelligent girl or boy?

According to a research, it is found that women had greater blood flow in the prefrontal cortex compared to men, which might help them to be stronger in the aspects of life.

This shows that girls are way more intelligent than boys. Girls are stronger in empathy, intuition, collaboration, self-control, and showing appropriate concern.

Women’s brains are significantly more active in many more regions than men.

Another study says that girls talk openly with their mother which is absent in case of boys. They lack this quality. They do not open up so easily and try to hide everything. Things go more awkward with their fathers.

Even girls mature early compared to boys. They understand things and are very good at making decisions which is not the case in boys. Boys tend to remain immature and cannot take hard decisions.

Because of their faster rate of maturity, girls are more intelligent than boys until puberty, but later male take the lead in intelligence aspect and become taller than girls.





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