Counselling to tackle desolation

BHUBANESWAR: Out of the many problems which we face in general, mental is an issue that needs immediate attention.

Society is grappling with the aloofness that younger generations face. Life is becoming exponentially fast-paced and the individual is being reduced to a mere faceless blip, a means to an end. A hamster-on-wheels existence is being led, with life being defined by ends- scores, degrees, jobs. Competition and expectations are making lives toxic for the younger generations. Taking out time for oneself to do something worthwhile, something fulfilling is a luxury ill-afforded by most. Material success has become the defining element of our identities as individuals and a community.

Consequently the consumer culture and excessive virtual indulgence that have entered our lives in an absolutely parasitic fashion are an attempt to fill the void of emptiness that entails this lifestyle. Room for error is little and failures are harshly judged. The pressure to achieve is crippling for majority of the youth. Anxiety and stress plague many while struggling to succeed and worsen when goals are not achieved. People being forced into professions which is not their calling is not uncommon. Interpersonal relations are superficial and community support is often scarce. This becomes a breeding ground for feelings of worthlessness and a lack of a sense of purpose. Depression, anxiety issues, substance abuse, juvenile delinquency, suicides and other mental health problems have an alarming incidence in the younger generations and there is an urgent need for them to be tackled.

It is the key responsibility of the school management to move beyond conventional teaching approach and accept the holistic modules of professional psychological counselling. Manam, a mental health wellness centre, has been providing therapeutic counseling, support and guidance to depressed individuals. The objective to include counseling in educational institutes extends towards counseling services for teachers, staff, management and parents apart from the students.

Therapeutic counseling has a far-reaching positive impact and has been acclaimed worldwide to be a holistic approach towards personal and professional enrichment. Counseling is, in fact facilitating a person’s decision to grow. It is an initiative to help people help themselves.

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