Does your hair grow slowly? Know if you are making these mistakes

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Every person craves for good and healthy hair. This is possible only if you take proper care of your hair, diet, lifestyle and sleeping routine.

Good hair depends on overall health care. Your health determines your hair’s texture, hair growth and how healthy your hair looks.

People suffering from stress often complain of hair fall, this is because stress has a direct effect on the hair. If you eat and drink healthy, then your hair will be healthy by itself.

We make mistakes because we do not have complete knowledge about certain things. To make hair healthy and strong, you must first know what your hair type is and how to take care of it. You should also learn about those mistakes which can stop the growth of your hair. Every person has a different hair growth process.

You should not use artificial methods to grow your hair fast. If your hair grows naturally, then it means you are healthy. Both men and women get tired of hair fall issues..


Washing: Many people start washing their hair every day and sometimes twice a day in order to look and feel fresh. This is the biggest mistake that can cause a lot of damage to your hair and lead to hair loss. Over-washing removes the natural oil of your hair and leaves it dull and non-healthy.

Brushing Wet Hair: You should never comb or brush your wet hair. Wait for it to dry naturally. It is important that your hair dry naturally before doing anything.

Conditioner: Some people do not use conditioner at all, which is also wrong. Conditioning your hair is very important. People apply conditioner all over their hair which is absolutely wrong. Conditioner should only be applied on the side of the hair and should be thoroughly cleaned.

Drying hair: Trying to intentionally dry your hair with a towel is a very bad habit. Hair should only be patted with a dry soft towel and must be left to dry in a natural way. Towel can cause tough friction and there is a fear of hair fall. If you want to keep your hair healthy then avoid this mistake.

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