Five effective ways to control diabetes

Diabetes is a deadly disease and people who are affected by this always remain on toes when it comes to eating. These people cannot eat what the common people can. However, there are food items which can keep it under check alongside medicines.

Having few food items in your diet will save you from the deadly disease. Let’s check five ways that help curb the blood sugar levels:

Bitter gourd

Bitter gourd or Karela is rich in plant insulin-polypeptide-P. This substance helps in reducing the hyperglycemia (increase in sugar levels). Also, it has charatin and momordicin, which are effective in keeping the sugar levels low.

Mango leaves

Fresh mango leaves are also effective in keeping the sugar levels low. It is used to treat diabetes and are present in many drugs.


Fenugreek is an easily available substance that has multiple benefits to human beings — diabetes is one of them. This substance improve glucose tolerance and reduce the sugar levels. It helps in stimulating insulin.


Drumstick, which is also called Moringa oleifera, is an well-known substance that maintain blood sugar level and boosts energy. These leaves contain substances that increase the insulin secretion.


In modern medical science, it is seen that low vitamin D is associated with insulin resistance and high sugar levels. Researchers say that Vitamin D plays an important part in producing insulin in the body, which keeps the sugar level low.


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