Girls can improve breast shape by not wearing bra, reveals study

Usually, we are advised to wear a bra. However, study reveals that not wearing a bra has its own benefits. Below listed are the few important benefits of not wearing a bra.


  1. Improves Breast Shape: Contrary to what we might believe, not wearing a bra doesn’t cause your breasts to sag. A long-running French study has proven that bras most likely have the opposite effect, causing breasts to lose their shape over time. According to the study, the “support” of bras weakens the muscles in the chest, making the breasts droop.

To keep your breasts rounder and perkier, it’s actually best to let them do their own thing! Your bra is just keeping you back from even more beautiful breasts, truth be told.


  1. Get a Better Night’s Sleep: Sleeping with bra on isn’t something scientists approve of. Wearing a bra to bed is more likely to cause discomfort and disturb your sleep cycle! But, if you don’t wear a bra at night, your undergarment might still be impacting your circadian rhythms, keeping you from getting a full night’s sleep.


  1. Boosts Circulation: Frequently wearing tight clothing, especially tight bras, is not so good for your circulation. All that tightness and squeezing around your chest can slow your circulation by compressing your major blood vessels.


  1. Improves Breast Health: Studies have proven that not wearing a bra will improve your breast health. Besides improving blood flow, sweat and dirt are no longer trapped against the skin by your tight bra. This makes infections, rashes, and acne less likely on your breasts.


  1. Strengthen Your Breasts: Essentially, bras prevent your chest from having to fight gravity. Your mind might immediately think that without your bra, then, your breasts would succumb to gravity and sag. However, quite the opposite happens when your ditch your brazier.

When your chest HAS to battle gravity, the chest muscles work harder and actually strengthen your breasts. This doesn’t just make you stronger, but it actually increases your breast size. That’s right, saying bye to your bra could gain you a whole cup size.


  1. Encourage Healthy Breast Tissue: Scientists have found that wearing a bra may be hindering your ability to grow healthy breast tissue. Healthy breast tissue is important for so many reasons; obviously, healthy tissue will decrease (but not totally prevent) your chance for various breast diseases, such as breast cancer.
  2. Improve breathing: This is a pretty easy one to figure out. When something tight and restricting is wrapped around your chest all day for 365 days a year for however many years, your breathing slowly becomes more and more restricted.

While we’re not saying bras will be the doom of your respiratory system, your breathing will definitely be less restricted and healthier without a decreasing your flow of oxygen.

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