Yoga relief for sedentary job holders

A majority of jobs these days involve sitting at a same place for hours together staring at a computer screen. Such jobs may keep you active mentally, but also make you inactive physically.

Corporates, students, businessmen and those with desk jobs have to work sitting at the same place for long hours. Those involved in such jobs face the risk of long-term health implications like spondylitis, frozen shoulder, chronic back pain and eye strain.

Here are some easy exercises and yogas for these people to remain fit. If they cannot find much time from their busy schedule, they can do these simple exercises even at their work desks by devoting only 10 minutes a day.


This asana can be done at anytime and anywhere. To do this asan, stand straight and raise your hands. Lock your fingers; stretch your hands while raising your heels up. Bring back your heels to normal position. Now raising your hands, try to lean towards right to feel the stretch and repeat the same the opposite way. Two to three times in every three hours will help you keep back and lower back pain away.


This asana can also be done at anytime and anywhere. Bring your left arm behind your back and right arm behind your head. Try to lock fingers. Be at the position holding five to eight breaths and then repeat the other way.  This asana stretches the muscles of lower back and knees.

Utkatasan(chair pose)

This asana can be done while sitting on your chair too. First sit on your chair with knees bent in 90 degrees keeping foot flat on the floor.  Press down from your heels, trying not to move the feet in toward your chair or use your arms, and make your way up to standing. Slowly sit back down again and do not lean forward or shift weight. Repeat it for five to 10 times.


These yogas can help you enjoy a healthier and happier day and say good bye to stress.




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