Delhi man stops friend from assaulting wife, stabbed to death


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New Delhi: A 25-year-old man was stabbed to death by his inebriated friend in south Delhi’s Kishangarh when he tried to stop him from assaulting his wife, police said Sunday.

The accused, identified as Mingchang alias Jimmy, has been arrested, they added.

The incident took place around 4.30 am Saturday at the house of the victim, Robin Shrestha (25), a resident of Munirka, who has been staying with his live-in partner for the last two years. Robin worked at a call centre in Noida.

A PCR call about the stabbing incident was received at the Kishangarh police station Saturday, following which a team was dispatched to the spot and the accused was nabbed.

“Jimmy is a resident of Manipur and belongs to the Naga tribe,” a senior police official said.

The accused, his wife and their two-year-old son were staying with Robin at his house as there was no air-conditioner at their home.

“Jimmy, who is a nail artist, had consumed alcohol in the house of the victim and started abusing and assaulting his wife. When Robin and his girlfriend intervened and stopped him from doing so, a verbal spat ensued between both of them,” the official said.

As the argument escalated, the accused took out a knife and stabbed Robin in his chest around 4.30 am and fled. Robin’s live-in partner took him to the Safdarjung Hospital where he succumbed to his injuries.

Following the incident, Jimmy was booked under Section 302 (murder) of the Indian Penal Code and arrested the accused, the police said, adding that he is being interrogated.


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