Indian-Americans richest among all ethnic groups in the US


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Washington: The household income of an Indian-American family on an average is USD 1,20,000 (over Rs 87 lakhs) per annum. Indian- American families earn the most among all ethnic groups and white Americans as well, according to a report.

The National Coalition for Asian Pacific American Community Development in its report gave the above information. It said Indian-American households, are earning remarkably high incomes (USD 119,858).  Others, like Burmese households, are earning incomes (USD 45,348) comparable to those earned by Black (USD 41,511) and Latinx (USD 51,404) households.

This pattern of vastly different economic statistics across AAPI (Asian American and Pacific Islanders) sub-groups is similar across a variety of indicators, including poverty rate, homeownership rates and rent burden, it said.

The median household income for Asians (USD 87,194)-which is 1.2 – 2 times higher than Black (USD 41,511), Latinx (USD 51,404) and White (USD 67,937) households-suggests that Asian households are doing quite well, the coalition said.

This pattern of vastly different economic statistics across AAPI sub-groups is similar across a variety of indicators, including poverty rate, homeownership rates and rent burden, which when put together correlate with the fact of extreme economic inequality within the larger category of AAPI-an unfortunate reality that is too often overlooked, it said.


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