Are you suffering from sinus? Follow these home remedies

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There are two types of sinusitis or sinus. It can be categorized as either acute or chronic. Chronic one requires antibiotics while acute sinuses can be prevented at home. Sinus infection is caused by dust, allergies and chemicals. Sinus is not a contagious health condition.

This happens when your nasal passages become infected and swollen. Some common signs and symptoms of sinus may include headache, fever, nose, ear, toothache, swelling of face, sore throat and cough. If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, a doctor should be urgently consulted to prevent the condition from worsening.

There are many home remedies for sinus which provide immediate relief. First of all, you should avoid getting into the habits that motivate the sinuses. Fried food, rice and spicy spices induce sinus symptoms.

You should ignore chocolate, sugar and dairy products to avoid sinus infection. Consuming cold drinks can also cause your sinus problems. If you want to build a strong wall against your sinus infection, then you must use Vitamin A in large quantities. You can also take special measures at home to prevent your sinuses.

Follow these natural remedies at your home for good health:

Water: Staying hydrated and drinking plenty of liquid prevents you from dehydration. To prevent sinus, you must drink a lot of liquid. Fluids dilute mucus and also bring relief to your nasal tube.

Soup: The soup loosens the coagulation. You can choose soup to prepare according to your choice, taste and preference. The steam and healthy ingredients of the soup help clean your sinuses.

Apple Vinegar: Apple vinegar provides a lot of health benefits and getting rid of sinus is one of them. This relieves your sinus pressure and makes it less painful. You can also drink it with hot water or tea.

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