Defying societal norms

India is a nation full of taboos and restrictions. Here still now in most segments of the society pre-marital sex is considered an offence… even at times discussions on sexual matters is carried out in secret.

Hence the rituals of an indigenous tribe in Bastar district of Chhattisgarh come as a huge surprise. The tribe has an ‘open’ attitude towards sex and for the members pre-marital sex is not a scene. Couples involved in pre-marital sex are neither punished nor ostracised. They are allowed to stay together as husband and wife and if after a point of time they want to move apart it is permitted. There are many couples who get married after having children. Kids born out of wedlock are also accepted by tribe.

The ‘Garasia’ tribe’ in Rajasthan also follows the same tradition. The male members have the right to choose their own partners. To find the right partner the men are women are allowed to live-in together for some time to see whether they are compatible to one another. Even after staying together for long, couples may not decide in getting married and continue staying the way do. There are many who haven’t tied the nuptial knot yet in spite of being in a live-in relationship for years.

India is a country of diversity and these two tribes just demonstrate that. Without going into the pros and cons of such style of living, one can do nothing but admire the way members of these two tribes decide on their conjugal lives.







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