Eating strawberries significant in reducing diabetes, heart disease  

Strawberry is a sweet, red-heart shaped fruit that is loved for its delicious taste. There are over 600 varities of strawberries.

While strawberry is often taken as just a fruit, its has many nutritional benefits. Strawberries are rich in vitamins like vitamins C and K, folate, potassium, manganese, and magnesium.

Apart from the fruits itself, its leaves are also eaten raw and used in tea. Besides being sweet and delicious, strawberries are also packed with nutrients.

Here are some benefits of strawberry:

Diabetics: Strawberries are a low glycemic index food and are fit for diabetic patients and it also it helps to maintain blood sugar. Researchers have said eating strawberries daily can significantly reduce the complications of diabetes, kidney disease and neuropathy.

Heart: Presence of high polyphenol content in strawberries reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by balancing the blood pressure via anti-inflammatory mechanisms and Vitamin C reduces cholesterol in the arteries and vessels.

Cancer: The antioxidants in strawberries work against radicals, inhibiting tumor growth and decreasing inflammation in the body. According to experts, freeze-dried strawberry powder has the power to cut esophageal cancer.

Weight Loss: Strawberries increases production of fat burning hormones like adiponectin and leptin. They help to reduce appetite, which ultimately help in losing weight.



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