Barang: A fisherman caught a huge catfish from Mahanadi River here Monday. The fisherman, identified as Rabindra Dalei of Sanamundali village was surprised to see the huge catch weighing around 22kg. A crowd gathered to witness this unusual catch in Mundali area. Rabindra had gone to Mahanadi River as usual to catch fish Monday morning. After casting his net in the river, a big catfish got trapped in his net. He brought the fish back in his boat and sold it to local fish trader Bikash Behera. The fish weighed 22 kg. Rabindra mentioned that he had never caught such a large catfish before. The unique catch attracted a crowd of local villagers who came to see the fish for some time.
Pax Americana Ends
The end of Pax Americana is clearly in sight. While this has long been the goal of many leftists battling...
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