Viksit Odisha @2036

Khurda continues to top daily COVID-19 cases tally

Khurda continues to top daily COVID-19 cases tally

Bhubaneswar: Khurda district, in terms of daily COVID spike, continues to be at the top of the list beating the other districts by a fair margin.

The district Tuesday reported 666 fresh COVID-19 cases. Monday, 616 cases were reported from the district whereas Sunday, the district reported 684 cases. August 29, it stood at 762. The spike was 775 August 28.

The district has long surpassed Ganjam district in reporting daily cases. Ganjam, once a hotspot, Tuesday stood third reporting 207cases.

With the fresh addition, Khurda district’s tally has gone up to 17,428. Of them, 10, 561 patients have recovered from the disease and 6,790 are still undergoing treatment at COVID hospitals. The district also reported two deaths Tuesday and with this the toll stands at 67. At the same time, a total of ten patients have so far died due to reasons other than COVID-19.

In case of Ganjam, with 207 fresh cases, the district’s tally has reached to 18,069. Of them, 1,538 are undergoing treatment and 16,332 have recovered from the disease. The district reported one death Tuesday.


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