The Indian God of Love, ‘Kamadeva’ can curve culture shock?


Although the youth love it, Valentine’s Day is frowned up by many who hold on to non-Westernised ways of living life. To cater to the conservative belief system, an Indian lawmaker has suggested that the day be celebrated to commemorate “Kamadeva”, the god of love in Hindu mythology.

India’s vocal and social media savvy politician Shashi Tharoor posted a tweet on Tuesday with a recommendation that to circumvent objections to Valentine’s Day by trolls and the conservative traditionalist brigade, people call Valentine’s Day as Kamadeva Diwas. Kamadeva is the famed god of love and Diwas is translated as Day.

The etymology of Kamadeva according to Hindu mythology suggests that it is derived from two words “Kama” meaning sensual love or desire and “Deva” meaning a divine being. Kamadeva refers to the god of love, who is depicted along with his female counterpart Rati.

Every year India witnesses sections of society resorting to physical intimidation on Valentine’s Day. A part of this activity has now begun to be manifested online as social media trolling.



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