This is why you should eat four almonds a day

Almonds are an excellent food to fulfill your appetite. They are full of protein, vitamins, and fiber. Eating them regularly is thought to reduce your risk of health problems like cancer, heart disease, obesity, and type 2 diabetes.

It is mostly the healthy monounsaturated types that actually protect your heart. Still, almonds contain quite a few calories, so it’s best to eat them in moderation.

In one ounce of almonds you’ll get 3.5 grams of fiber, 6 grams of protein, and 9 grams of monounsaturated fat. Almonds also deliver a good amount of vitamin E, manganese, and magnesium too.

Let’s have a look at the benefits of eating 4 almonds every day.

Cholesterol Levels

Almonds are the best food for reducing bad cholesterol while increasing good cholesterol. That’s important because high cholesterol puts you at risk for all sorts of health complications, including heart attack, stroke, and peripheral artery disease.

Stronger, Shinier Hair

Almonds are rich in vitamins and minerals necessary to improve the condition of your hair. To stimulate growth, almonds have magnesium and zinc. It has Vitamin E that has antioxidant properties that reduce oxidative stress and make hair stronger. And finally, the vitamin B thickens strands and imparts a natural shine. Application of almond oil to your scalp can prevent dandruff and soften and nourish hair strands directly.

Boost energy level

Start your day with four soaked almonds and stay energetic throughout the day. Eating almonds in the morning will boost metabolism and provide nutrients like riboflavin, copper, and manganese.

Weight loss

Having two –four almonds, help you to lose the extra fat faster if you consume soaked almonds every day. You can also add almonds to your salads to make it more filling and reduce craving. It will also improve digestion.

Makes your skin healthy

Almonds are rich in vitamin E and antioxidants, which make your skin healthy and glowing. Eating soaked almonds will give your glowing, blemish-free skin. It also helps reduce signs of aging like wrinkles.


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