Want to stay young? Then follow these tips

Humans could stop ageing but not reverse it: Study

Ageing is the process of becoming older. The term refers especially to human beings, several animals, and fungi. Bacteria, perennial plants and some simple animals are potentially biologically immortal.

If you want to stay young, then the first that one must do is to distance himself/herself from sugar. After excessive intake of sugar, it gets attached to collagen which makes the skin hard before time.

According to a report, consuming any diet containing caffeine will make you feel tired.

Another report says, if too much carbohydrate is taken, it destroys collagen and fibre from the body internally.

Salt dehydrates the body which makes the body feel tired.

Sweet present in caddy causes a burning sensation in the body as result if develops wrinkles on skin.

You must have heard that alcohol is harmful.  Consuming too much of alcohol causes swelling and increases redness on the skin.

Soda also reduces the amount of water in the body and the skin wilts.

Various types of energy drinks which are available in the market harm the teeth badly.

Fried food reduces the amount of collagen in the body, causing freckles on the skin.


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