Benefits of hugging your near ones

Valentines week is continuing and today is Hug day. Lovers around the world celebrate this day.

The simplest and most powerful way to connect with a loved one is through the power of touch. Hugs can instantly boost oxytocin levels, which can alleviate feelings of loneliness and anger.

Hug has significant benefits on our mental and physical health:


Hugs enhance Relationships: A good hug increases the feeling of safety, security, trust and belonging. These are the foundations of all healthy relationships. Research has shown that relationships in which hugging and touching are present tend to be stronger and longer lasting. The energy exchange between the people hugging is an investment in the relationship. It encourages empathy and understanding.


Boosts immunity: People who are under stress and in conflict with others are more susceptible to viruses like the common cold. Social support, such as hugging, might in turn be protective against such infections. As hugging increase the hormones that regulate the functioning of immune cells. So hug often and you can say goodbye to those pesky colds.


Good for heart: Hug decreases your heart rate which lowers blood pressure. Especially if you’re feeling anxious, then you get a hug from someone, it makes your heat rate slow down and your blood pressure goes down too. A lower heart rate also reduces your risk of cardiac problems. Human-to-human contact also lowers your body’s levels of the stress hormone cortisol. And that in turn helps ease your blood flow and lower your heart rate.


Lowers stress: Hug can make you forget about the cares of the world. It makes your muscles relax, therefore releasing all the tension in your body. It also sends calming messages to your brain so it’ll make you feel better as a result. So a hug before bedtime is a good idea.


Natural pain reliever: Hugging releases endorphins which then blocks pain pathways and relieves pain. If you feel lousy and don’t want anyone near you, get a hug from someone and will make you feel better.


Puts you in a better mood: If you’re depressed, hugging is good for you, as it makes your brain produce more dopamine, which is low in people who suffer from depression. So whether you’re feeling low or want to make someone feel better, a hug is a good solution.


Hugs make you happier, healthier, relaxed and improve your relationships, so keep hugging.





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