Follow these easy tips to control cholesterol, heart attack

Follow these easy tips to control cholesterol, heart attack

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In today’s race, we get so busy with our tasks that we are not able to take care of our diet at all. We know that our food has a direct effect on our body, but still we ignore it, knowing that in the future we may be surrounded by many diseases.

Our cholesterol plays an important role for a healthy body. Cholesterol is very important for our body, but improper eating increases cholesterol in our body, which increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.

Know what we should do to improve cholesterol in our body:

Quit smoking: Smoking cigarettes is harmful for our body. If a person smokes for a long time, there is a change in the blood due to which the blood pressure starts to increase. Due to this, the oxygen requirement of the heart starts increasing and there can be a disease related to fat metabolism. This causes HDH levels in the blood to decrease. This can cause heart disease, so we should not smoke to keep the body healthy.

Exercise daily: For good health, we should do at least 1 hour of exercise daily. Exercise keeps cholesterol in control. If our body’s cholesterol is increased, then exercise will reduce our body’s cholesterol. That is why we all must exercise daily.

Avoid eating fast food: Going out to eat fast food like pizzas, burgers, is now in the habit of people, but they have no idea how harmful the food is to their body. Eating fast food increases the amount of cholesterol in our body. Due to which diseases arise in our body. Therefore, we should avoid eating fast food.

Eat rich fiber: To keep the body healthy, make changes in the food items that are included in your routine. Ignore fat things. Use fish, dry fruit, fur, green vegetables in your food. Also, include fiber-rich things in your food and keep in mind that you should avoid eating or drinking things with too much sugar.

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