Here’s how you can keep indoor air clean and healthy

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Air pollution has become a matter of great problem and concern for the world. According to the World Health Organization, about 7 million people are losing their lives every year due to air pollution.

When one is out of the house, he/she is exposed to many pollutants, allergens, which can harm health. In such a situation, should one stay indoors to avoid air pollution?

It’s a common misconception that staying indoors can help protect against air pollution. Contrary to belief, if proper attention is not given to the indoor air, it can be as dangerous. Air pollution outside the home cannot be improved overnight, but some measures can be taken to make the indoor air pure, clean and safe.

Here’s how you can keep indoor air quality safe and healthy.

Take care of plants: Plants in the house add beauty and make the atmosphere alive. As important as it is to choose the right plants for the house, it is equally important to take care of them. Plants can be a breeding ground for fungi that can interfere with indoor air quality and put people with at risk. Apart from that, avoid placing them in places like near side tables as they can have direct contact with people.

Keep good ventilation in the house– Closed space can cause contaminated air. The pollutants inside are unable to replace the fresh air from outside. So make sure to have good ventilation. Ventilation is also necessary to ensure temperature control. Regardless of the weather, regularly open the windows and doors of your house to let fresh air in.

Clean rugs– Carpets and rugs are often included as a popular part of home decor. These can make the place comfortable and homely. But with choice comes responsibilities. So remember to take proper care of the fibrous furnishings. Dust mites and other microscopic substances can easily get trapped in the carpet and cause problems for people suffering from allergies and respiratory problems. In addition to cleaning carpets and rugs, make a habit of taking regular care of curtains, bedding and sofas in the house.

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