‘Undivided’ India is real terror: Controversial banners appear in Pakistan with picture and messages against India

 Islamabad: In the wake of revocation of Article 370 in Jammu and Kashmir by the Modi government, several controversial banners had appeared here in Pakistan with pictures and inflammatory messages, one of which said: ‘Akhand Bharat Real Terror’ (that roughly translates into: “The ideology of Undivided India is actual terrorism”), Dawn newspaper reported on Wednesday.

‘Akhand Bharat’ usually refers to the idea that all lands comprising India, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nepal, Myanmar, Tibet, Bhutan and Bangladesh should be unified under one system of governance.

The police have removed these posters and banners containing anti-Pakistan statement from various areas of the capital city.

Screenshot of a video recording of the proceedings in the Rajya Sabha, when Shiv Sena lawmaker Sanjay Raut made the anti-Pakistan statement featured in these posters.

A few hours after the videos of these posters started doing rounds on social media sites police here arrested a suspect from Blue Area who is believed to have been responsible for having placed the banners.

Initial interrogation revealed that the suspect was into printing business, and had received orders for those banners from a resident of Gujranwala.

Police have sealed his printing press in Islamabad and shifted him to an undisclosed location for further interrogation.


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