Water to be released from Ghodahada dam

Digaphandi: With the possibility of heavy rainfall due to ‘Cyclone Asani’, the Water Resources department has decided to release water from Ghodahada dam into the river in Ganjam district. People of riparian villages have been alerted about the water release. The decision was taken after informing the Ganjam district collector and the executive engineer of Chikiti Water Resources division to ensure safety of the dam with possible influx of rainwater.

A notification to this effected has been issued. The dam is capable of retaining water up to a height of 117.80 metres while the present capacity stands at 116.87 metres. Presently, the dam is 91 per cent full. The release of water from the dam into Ghodahanda river is likely to flood many riparian villages including S. Tikarpada, Golunda, Penda, Boripadar, Kaithakhandi, Madhuban, Talasingha, Panad, Dherendi, Jalameripalli, Gumma, Maulabhanja, Tileswar, Kholti, Nuagada, Ambagaon, Bhoipalli, Mahanala, Palashpur and Patagaon.

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