Here men like to marry fat girls

Here men like to marry fat girls

Usually, boys look for slim girls for marriage and for that, girls exercise, do yoga and go on rigorous diets to become thin and more appealing.

However, things in Cape Town, South Africa are a bit different.

Here people prefer to marry fat instead of thin girls.

It also believed that men who marry chubby women tend to have a smiling face with more positive energy and self-confidence.

In a tradition called Leblouh, fat girls get married soon and will get eligible groom for marriage. Therefore, different methods are adopted here to make girls fat.

Girls as young as five years old are sent to training centres where they are forced to consume thousands of calories each day. The main goal of these camps is to ensure girls are fed as many calories as possible in order to gain weight.

Even when the girls are not hungry, they are forcefully fed. People even believe that the thicker the girl is, the more love will grow between her and her husband. This is why skinny girls are not seen here.

Worth mentioning that a study suggests that chubby women make their partner ten times happier than thin women.



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