When it rains on your wedding day: What does it mean?

What does rain on your wedding day mean?

One of the last things a bride or groom wants to think about is what happens if it rains on your wedding day! But the truth is that, in some cultures, rain on your wedding day symbolizes fertility and cleansing. It is believed that it’s good luck if it Rains on your Wedding Day. Let’s find out more…

It seems like it could be a disaster. People tend to worry about whether the weather on the big day will be inclement or incredible, and are always looking for information forecasting about the anticipated weather.

Rain brings water to dry places, and causes crops to flourish, so it is often viewed as being a blessing and bringing good luck. With that in mind, it is often believed that rain on your wedding day is a sign of good luck.

Rain on your special day can be considered a stroke of luck for several reasons. Rain symbolizes blessings, cleansing, unity, and a new day. In some cultures it is also a symbol of fertility. Due to these positive connotations, a rainy wedding day is very often considered good.

First of all, rain signifies blessings, and everyone wants their marriage to be blessed. Blessings speak of hope and approval. There is every reason to be optimistic when you consider all the possibilities that are ahead.

Blessings also connote prosperity, both in a material and physical sense. It is therefore considered good luck if it rains on that special day, due to the hopeful expectations of a happy life.

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